United by Flowers at the Philadelphia Flower Show

As a passionate gardener and flower enthusiast, attending the Philadelphia Flower Show was a dream come true. My husband, Michael, surprised my mom and me with tickets to the event for my birthday. He did such a great job on this gift! This event wasn’t on my radar, but I absolutely loved every minute of it (well except for maybe the traffic on the way up), and I will never forget the experience. I mean how could you…just look at the photo above. This is not taken in front of a green screen people. This is a real display, real flowers, full-sized trees, water features and all…everything in this photo is real! It’s the Philadelphia Flower Show’s opening, jaw-dropping display. It was so fun hearing the ooooos and awes as people saw this unbelievable masterpiece for the first time. This year's theme, "United by Flowers," not only showcased the beauty of floral arrangements but also highlighted the incredible ways in which flowers can bring people together.

One of the most striking displays was the representation of USDA hardiness zones using flowers. It was awe-inspiring to see how different varieties thrived in various climates, reminding us of the resilience and adaptability of nature.

Equally touching was the exhibit demonstrating how hair salons unite women. Flowers adorned the displays, symbolizing the connections formed in these communal spaces, where stories are shared, friendships are forged, and support is given. This display was created by Black Girl Florists International. Their mission is to create a community within the African American community of florists and to normalize fresh-cut flowers in the homes of Black families.

Moreover, the emphasis on native plants and sustainability was refreshing. Exhibits illustrating their integration along highways and in vacant city lots served as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to preserve and protect our environment.

The involvement of school children in creating displays added a delightful touch to the show. Witnessing their creativity was truly heartwarming, emphasizing the importance of instilling a love for nature in the next generation.

And who could forget the horticourt, where enthusiasts could enter their plants for competition? This inclusive aspect of the show celebrated the passion and dedication of individuals from all walks of life, further exemplifying the unifying power of flowers and gardening. Anyone could enter this part of the competition so maybe I should enter one of my amaryllis next year!

Amaryllis and Daffodils displayed at the Horticourt. Anyone can enter!

In conclusion, my experience at the Philadelphia Flower Show was nothing short of extraordinary. It served as a testament to the profound impact that flowers have in bringing people together, fostering connections, and inspiring change. I left feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and even more passionate about the world of horticulture.

If you ever have the opportunity to attend this event, I highly recommend adding it to your bucket list. Until then, let's continue to celebrate and be united by flowers in all aspects of our lives.

Keep Blooming,

Nicole Dillon, Breemar Flower Farm


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