Welcome to our Blooming Blog, Your Garden Pathway!

Peony Care: They’ve bloomed now what?!
Peonies Nicole Dillon Peonies Nicole Dillon

Peony Care: They’ve bloomed now what?!

Peonies brighten any garden, but care doesn't stop after the blooms fade. We will dig into 5 care and maintenance tips. With these post-bloom care tips, your peonies will thrive and produce stunning blooms year after year.

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Master Gardener Training Series: Water Wise Landscaping for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Master Gardener Training Series Nicole Dillon Master Gardener Training Series Nicole Dillon

Master Gardener Training Series: Water Wise Landscaping for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

In this blog post, we discover the importance of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and how we can utilize water wise landscaping to help protect this precious resource. We review the Environmental Protection Agency’s Total Daily Maximum Limit diet and talk about ways that we can reduce and improve water management on our properties.

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