Welcome to our Blooming Blog, Your Garden Pathway!

Attracting Hummingbirds: The 5 Best Shrubs for Your Eco-Friendly Garden
Discover how to turn your garden into a hummingbird paradise with our guide to the top 5 native shrubs that attract hummingbirds. From the fragrant blooms of Sweet Pepper Bush to the vibrant flowers of Wild Azalea, learn how these enchanting shrubs not only beautify your garden but also provide essential habitats and nectar for hummingbirds. Plant these shrubs and enjoy watching these fascinating birds flutter and feed right in your backyard.

Master Gardener Training Series: Gardening for Wildlife
In this blog post, I talk about the benefits of gardening for wildlife and provide resources for ways to attract wildlife such as birds, bats, butterflies, and other beneficial insects to your garden.