I’m Rooting for you!
145 Holes
145 Roots
145 Dreams
They’re here! They’re here! This week marked an exciting milestone as I eagerly awaited the arrival of 145 peony roots which will be the foundation of my farm. Join me in this blog post as I share the process of getting these beauties selected, planted, and thriving in my garden.
The Anticipation:
As a flower farmer, there's nothing quite like the excitement of a new shipment of plant material. Those 145 peony roots represent not just future blooms but also a lot of hard work, dedication, and aspiring dreams.
I spent countless hours combing through books, catalogs, online references, and florist recommendations in order to narrow down from hundreds of available varieties to a mere seven. I was seriously stressed over this. How do I choose only a few varieties and colors with no idea what wedding and color trends will be trending when my plants are ready?! I also needed to buy from a wholesaler to keep my costs low. The wholesalers require that I purchase a minimum of 25 of each variety. It was a really tough choice, but it ultimately came down to timeless colors, bloom time, and price/root.
I originally had 250 plants in my order! Michael told me I was crazy…. to which I cried and with time realized he was right. My plot went from 24 feet by 110 feet to 24 feet by 58 feet. I’m so thankful for Michael’s grounding nature. He keeps my big dreams in check and helps me make more manageable decisions.
Above is a sampling of the varieties that I am growing. Images are from the American Peony Society.
All seven varieties that I am growing can be found here along with a link to their full descriptions.
Timeless Color:
Sarah Bernhardt is the most recognized peony in the world and while she’s the most inexpensive root in my collection, I know she will sell because people are creatures of habit. They like what they like and they want what they want. She will be a best seller and I’ll likely plant more of her in the future. And I don’t think I can go wrong with spring pastels like yellow and peach either.
Bloom Time:
Every peony falls into 3 bloom time categories (early, mid, and late). This is actually the case with a lot of bulbs too. Daffodils have 5 categories so you can get really specific about the type you are growing. I have picked 2 early, 3 mid, and 2 late season varieties to extend my peony growing season and allow me to harvest for a longer period of time— May-June.
Nicole’s Knowledge Nugget: It’s important to note bloom time when you are selecting and planting in your landscape. Pick a variety of bloom times so that you have flowers in your garden longer. You don’t want your garden to only be a one-season garden so before you go crazy and fill up your landscape, leave a little room for flowers that thrive during every season.
Peony prices can vary widely. Peony Shop Holland, which is a reputable supplier, has peonies ranging from $15-$2200 wholesale! This is because it takes a long time for a supplier to grow a plant large enough to divide. The amount of rootstock available drives the price of the plant. If it is a new introduction, expect to pay a higher price. If it is a hybrid, the price is often higher as well.
Off to the Field, I go:
I’m rooting for you! My goal is to get all of them in the ground before Halloween! Thanks for cheering me along in these efforts! And I truly mean it when I say, "I'm Rooting for You." It is not just a catchy title; it's a statement of my commitment to these 145 peony roots and my commitment to you. Join me on this exciting journey as we watch these plants grow and bloom, bringing joy to my flower farm and all of your celebrations and triumphs. Follow me over on Instagram or Facebook for pictures and videos of the planting process. Until next time, Flower Friends where I will be sharing a very exciting Spring container gardening how-to, including a downloadable e-book!
Keep Blooming,
Nicole Dillon, Breemar Flower Farm
P.S. The greatest thing you can do to support my business right now is to let your flower-loving friends know. Forward them this email or shoot them a link to my website to check me out. I am so grateful.