Finding My Peloton with the Hanover Master Gardeners
Spencer Martin- Beyond the Peloton
It has been a very exciting week for me! I took the plunge with some friend-couragement and ordered myself a Peloton bike. It hasn’t even arrived yet, but I am already so happy that I did it. My husband and I have talked about it for a long time, and finally decided to put the excuses aside. I’m so glad we did! My only regret is not downloading the app on Roku sooner! There is SO much free content that I wasn’t aware of and even the paid app isn’t anything close to the cost of a gym membership. 🤯 So what does this have to do with gardening?! Well, the beautiful thing about Peloton is community. It’s in the company’s DNA. Michael is a Tour de France megafan so I have known the meaning of the word peloton for a long time, but for those that don’t know, the peloton is the main group of riders in a bike race. In cycling races, teams work together to propel one person to the top. Professional cycling isn’t an individual race even though on the surface it may appear that way. It is the only sport that I know of where one athlete will sacrifice his or her position for another cyclist so that the team as a whole can succeed. It’s really remarkable. Anyway…whether it’s marketing or not Peloton has done something incredible with their brand. They’ve brought community to the at-home gym experience. And I’d like to think, that one of the goals of the Master Gardener program across the country is to do the same.
I think that the Master Gardeners are the best-kept secret gardening resource there is.
As a life-long volunteer, a somewhat new avid gardener, and someone with a passion for teaching others, I couldn’t think of a program that would fit me better. So I started my Master Gardener program on Wednesday! And boy let me tell you…I think I may have just found some of my people. I’ve told many of you about this and for some, this is a new announcement. But I bet your next thought goes something like this: “What do Master Gardeners do? I know that Master Gardeners are a thing, but I don’t really know who they are and what they do.” I’m so glad you asked! You all know by now that I love resources and I love helping others find resources, especially free resources, to help you solve your gardening problems and questions. Before I jump in…just wanted to give a disclaimer that everything I am sharing came from my first day of class. I am in the Hanover Master Gardener’s 2024 cohort and the facts and figures I’m sharing come from the Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Hanover Master Gardener Association.
Who are Master Gardeners?
Here’s a super brief history of Master Gardeners in Virginia. There are Master Gardeners programs all over the country with similar frameworks as ours.
The Impact Master Gardeners have on their communities is impressive!
What do Hanover Master Gardeners Do? A LOT 👇
So for the next few months, I’ll be absorbing a massive amount of information that I can’t wait to share with you all. This truly is a college-style course complete with textbook, exam, and a presentation at the end. It’s a lot, but the tools I will gain to be able to give back to my community through my weekly emails or at a Farmer’s Market Plant Clinic are invaluable and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. If you have gardening questions, feel free to reach out the the Hanover Master Gardener’s Help Desk at 804-752-4306 or or stop by the extension office located at 13017 Taylor Complex Lane, Ashland, VA 23005. The Horticultural Learning Center is located here too and I’d love to meet you over there. I am fascinated by all the different gardening styles presented in this space. It’s so fun to explore.
Keep Blooming,
Nicole Dillon, Breemar Flower Farm